Energy Efficiency

Demand-Side Management, Energy Efficiency And The New Delhi Municipal Council

muzzily This project analyses the electric energy consumption pattern in the NDMC’s territory and determines the scope for economically and financially attractive options for increasing the energy efficiency of the system. Improvement of supply efficiencies is only briefly examined in this study, while the main focus is on the pattern of different electricity end-uses by NDMC customers. Based on this, demand-Side management (DSM) strategies are also developed for the NDMC territory, so as to promote increased efficiency of energy use and reduce overall energy consumption. Three locations were closely examined in terms of their energy use patterns, namely the “Palika Kendra” building, the All India Institute for Medical Sciences Complex and the Conaught Place area.


EE, ESCOS and other sustainable energy efficiency services

This project, approved by IDRC and executed by IISD, proposes to develop a multi-country network which will examine, test, pilot and document the scope for promoting the principles of performance contracting to promote more efficient and thereby less polluting technologies. Performance contracting may be defined as the marketing and installation of energy-efficient equipment or cleaner technologies, in which payment for equipment and services is linked to the estimated (deemed) or measured savings achieved. The stream of savings achieved is used to pay back the original investment and provide a return on this investment. Companies offering performance contracting provide turnkey services including evaluation of options, installation and financing. The performance contracting model is well established in North America, but is still in its infancy in developing countries. It holds the potential of providing an effective, sustainable mechanism to promote the uptake of “cleaner” technologies, but the conditions under which the model is likely to be successful in developing countries need to be assessed in more detail. This initial phase of the project will involve background studies of the scope for application of the performance contracting model in four to six developing countries (Brazil, China, Chile, Colombia, Ghana and India); a complementary review of Canadian (and selected other international) experience with performance contracting; development of specific proposals for pilot testing of the performance contracting approach, and a mechanism to support monitoring and evaluation of the results of pilot projects; and, dissemination of results to a variety of national and international stakeholders. A follow-up phase of the project to implement and evaluate pilot projects may be launched with the participation of a broader coalition of donor agencies should the evidence so warrant.

Funded by IDRC and IISD


South-South Cooperation in Technology Transfer

South-South cooperation is a broad concept consisting of two key dimensions: economic and technical cooperation among developing countries (ECDC and TCDC, respectively). PRI was responsible for organising the Forum on South-South Co-operation in Science & Technology, Seoul, 14 to 17 February, 2000.

Funded by UNDP

To see the full report,  click here.


Energy Efficiency in Small and Medium Enterprises: The Pottery Sector in Khurja, India

Khurja’s Pottery industry is old and is still largely based on downdraft coal-based kilns. There is an urgent need to modernise the kilns in to gas, electric and diesel fired kilns. The industry is very keen to get gas and is of the opinion that if gas can be made available to them it will not only help in containing the pollution problem but also help them modernise their plants and enable them face tough competition from foreign industries by making its product of much better quality. The project seeks to answer the following questions: How can one choose appropriate technology for pottery and ceramic production? What is the present adoption and diffusion of cleaner EE processes? What are the barriers to adoption? How can the adoption process be accelerated and made more sustainable? What will be the impacts of energy efficient technological changes on energy consumption, production, sales, economic efficiency, and poverty?

Funded by DFID


Promoting Energy Efficiency Abroad: A Role for Canadian Organisations, EE Conference 2000, Ottawa